Monday, May 7, 2012

UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids?

Is there an efficient way to get the list of affected row IDs (not the # of affected rows via PHP's mysql_affected_rows(), but the actual row ids that were affected) from an UPDATE or DELETE query in mysql?

In postgresql, there is a RETURNING clause within UPDATE/DELETE queries that can be used to specify values from the affected rows that are returned.

In mysql, the 'brute force' way of getting the affected rows seem to be: 1. Acquire READ LOCK. 2. SELECT to with the WHERE condition of the UPDATE/DELETE query to get the affected row ids. 3. UPDATE/DELETE. 4. RELEASE LOCK.

The above way seems very inefficient. Is there a more efficient way to get the affected row ids in mysql?

Source: Tips4all


  1. try this, it will return the updated ids as "1,2,3....":

    SET @uids := '';
    UPDATE table_name
    SET some_col= 'some_val'
    WHERE some_col= 'some_val'
    AND ( SELECT @uids := CONCAT_WS(',', @uids, id) );

  2. You can create a Trigger

    Support for triggers is included beginning with MySQL 5.0.2. A trigger
    is a named database object that is associated with a table, and that
    activates when a particular event occurs for the table.

    the following code creates a trigger on a table named mytable which has a field id

    CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete
    AFTER DELETE ON mytable
    FOR EACH ROW SET @deletedIDs = CONCAT_WS(',', @deletedIDs,

    notice that OLD refers to deleted row

    once you created a trigger on a table you can use it as follows:

    /* empty parameter defined in CREATE TRIGGER */
    Set @deletedIDs = '';
    /* perform your query */
    DELETE FROM mytable WHERE myotherfield = 'myfilterevalue';
    /* get the parameter */
    SELECT @deletedIDs AS 'Deleted_IDs';

    this will return deleted IDs each preceded by a comma in a string

    sql mysql php
